Good Morning World!


My interests center around always being active. When I’m not working, I enjoy going out to swim, play lacrosse with my dad, or wakeboarding at the wake-park. However, mostly I prefer to go out with my friends to eat; however, we find ourselves just lounging around at someone’s house most of the time. When it comes to my academic interests, I very much enjoy studying subjects such as History and English as I find them very informative as to how the world operates on a political and social level. Regarding what I care about, personally, it really boils down to me liking to have a balanced lifestyle. Onto the subject of language, it does not have a significant role in my life, even if I am bilingual by being able to speak French and English. When I’m at home, my tongue tends to choose to speak English because it’s taken up more of my life, as I have attended English schools longer than I have French ones. On the other hand, I sometimes find myself only speaking French when I’m mad. Now, I’m not sure whether or not it is because it is a language that sounds harsher when spoken, or whether the swear words are just more fun, but it is something that is wired into me that only comes out at particular moments. Moreover, I think that it is imperative to study language because it is how information is shown to people, and the manner in which it is done can sometimes impact whether it brings about positive or negative change. Honestly, I can’t help myself but be cheesy by saying that words are impactful. Also, studying language allows people the opportunity to communicate through conversations from multiple people from unique cultures. When asked whether I have ever felt excluded due to language barriers, my response would be ‘yes’ but would also note that this is something almost everyone deals with. Seeing as how we live in a world that is incredibly interconnected, it is sometimes difficult not to encounter people from different backgrounds that then draw a barrier due to how they communicate. Therefore, seeing as how I have grown up in the international baccalaureate, I have often encountered two people that spoke the same language and held the same beliefs that it was sometimes difficult to talk to them. By the same token, when I would travel during school breaks I would find myself being rather quiet when talking to the locals with wanting to avoid either offending their lifestyle or language.


Something new I would like to try this year is asking more questions in class when I am confused on a particular topic or issue, as in the past I tended to remain quiet for fear of interrupting the lesson. When discussing my goals, they are quite cliché ones; improve myself in my weaker subjects, try and create educated-discussions in class, and ameliorate my note-taking skills. Although, one goal that I would like to improve is to build better and more effective strategies for studying, as even though the ones in the past were still successful, they were sometimes disorganized. I definitely think that the material we will cover in class such as culture will help with the discussions, as it is very personal. On a final note, I will attempt to achieve these goals through always keeping my goals at the back of my head and therefore correcting the wrong attitude that prevents me from completing them.


  1. What you said about the language barrier and being more reserved with locals to not offend their lifestyle or culture is so true and relatable! Great blog post mate!

  2. Really detailed entry mate and I hope that you overcome your fear of interrupting the lesson.

  3. Great blog post Alex, I hope that you achieve your goals for the year. :)

  4. I really liked how went into detail of which languages you use and when! Hearing you comment on how important it is to study language was very helpful and something everybody should know and do.

  5. I liked most of your goals, just it seems that you do ask a lot of questions in class, so I'm not entirely sure that that counts.

  6. I really like how worded and simplistic your ‘biography’ was. It was interesting to see your perspective on how being bilingual gives an interpretation on how language should be learned and its importance. A very realistic and achievable goal. I cant wait to read more!

  7. Great choice of photo Alex. It made me laugh out loud as the kids say. I also prefer cursing in French. We'll look how bilingualism before long in this unit. Maybe we'll find answers to this appeal...


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